This is a really cool idea that you can play with, although I have no idea how to really use it to my advantage, or how it’s created, nor have I tested it to see if it’s actually an actual phenomenon
When I was applying for my current internship, I imagined what the place looked like in my mind. Where did this picture of the space come from? It came from my imagination. But from where did the inspiration for it come? It must’ve come from what I read in the job description and watched on youtube and instagram. It wasn’t something based purely on the word, because I did see photos of parts of the space. I did see a photo of the food bar/table we have, but this image was brushed away from the image I had in my mind because it didn’t fit my perception of what HustleCo looked like.
Here’s another cool thing to postulate: that every single detail in that image I was thinking of has a meaning. So for me, I imagined a really rustic place inside a larger building. One or more of the walls were made of raw bricks sticking out, as if they had been eroded by water; another would have been glass that let in the setting sun at that angle where the light overshadows the colour of everything, turning everything into different shades of white and black, and the other two were just…normal walls I guess. Or grey walls. Something that wasn’t important. The ceiling would have been high: like two stories high. And there would have been 6 wooden desks with two chairs on each of them where people would work. Us the heroes would be stationed at this big desk at the front, and then swarm around the people sitting down to help them with marketing tasks.
The point is that we are able, as humans, (or maybe this is just a me thing because I’m high in openness) to dream up spaces based on words, and I don’t see why the opposite could be done: making words out of a picture of a business in a space. So therefore, what should we/I/companies do with this information.
Here’s what I’m saying: when we read descriptions of businesses or places, and we imagine ourselves as a part of that business or place, we imagine what the place looks like. Different people would imagine the space differently, but I bet that commonalities exist for the categories between all the different imagined spaces. So for example, maybe I imagine a wall with raw brick, while someone else imagines a flat, white wall: both are emblematic of modernism and something borderline avant garde and pushing the limits.
What businesses should do is make their business fit the dream-image of the people who read the description, or they should make the description from the business space. The question then becomes: why?
This is another subjective answer. Here’s what I think. So when people are reading these job descriptions and dreaming up a space, what they’re imagining is “what could be.” They’re imagining possibilities, even though they don’t know what the space will look like, or what the job will look like or entail. If they’re dreaming up a dream, it’s either because they really want the dream to become real, or because it’s a nightmare. For jobs you’re applying for, it’s probably a dream more than a nightmare. Which means that when people dream of a space, they are dreaming! Dreaming as in “I would love to have this”, and “I dream of going to Europe”. It’s a wish! So if a space corresponds with a wish, then you’re going to love the place!
That’s what I think.