Season 2 Trailer

I’m back.

Table of Contents:

[0:00] The government and my fellow citizens don’t seem to be responsibly balancing public health with our rights and freedoms. This makes me sad and worried. 

[0:40] The curfew in Quebec is unreasonable. I don’t think it would pass the Oakes test. Walkthrough of all 4 steps. 

[7:54] My fellow citizens seem to be experiencing cognitive dissonance. They speak in favour of the restrictions, but break the law over and over again. More broadly, support for the curfew has increased during its duration.

[9:45] A personal crisis changed my mind about lockdowns and restrictions.

[12:10] A few people changed my mind: Viva Frei (David Freihert), John Carpay, Ari Joffe, Matt Strauss, Jonathan Sumption, and David Redman. 

[14:49] For the second season of Letters from a Contrarian, I’ll be speaking with as many people as possible to figure out what the hell has happened to the fabric of our liberal democracy, and what’s going on when it comes to our response to COVID-19. The hope: make the podcast evergreen and also light-hearted. The lens: one of political philosophy. 

Thanks for listening. 

Links Mentioned:

No proof for the efficacy of curfews

The curfews are used as “communication”

Approval for curfew increased from 68% to 74% during its duration

Should I visit Philippe? 

Connect with me:

Twitter: @eugenefds

Instagram: @fernandeseugene


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